Монгол хүн сансарт ниссэний 33-н жилийн ойн баярын мэнд хүргье

Монголчууд бид нар амны хишигтэй, азтай, хиймортой ард түмэн шүү ! ,, хятадуудаас түрүүлээд сансарт ниссэн 
A Mongolian man was launched into space for the first time on March 22, 1981. Citizen of Mongolia Gurragchaa Jugderdemid and Vladimir Janibekov of the Russia were launched to space from Baikonur space site in a Soyuz-39 spaceship. In space they joined two other Soviet space cosmonauts and spent 7 days 20 hours and 42 minutes there. Two Mongolian cosmonauts were prepared in 1978 to work in space under the Intercosmos program. J.Gurragchaa was chosen to fly and Maidarjavyn Ganzorig was left as Gurragchaa’s backup pilot. We introduce the conversation and reminiscence of the two men who reported on the preparations and launching of the flight on the occasion of 33 years of launching a Mongol man to space.
We are the 10th nation who ever defeated earths gravity or 2nd nation in asia who did that.

Mission statistics
Mission name: Soyuz 39
Crew: Gurragchaa Jugderdemid Sansar of Mongolia, Vladimor Dzhanibekov of Russia
Call sign: Pamir (Pamirs)
Number of crew members: 2
Launch: March 22, 1981 14:58:55 UTC
Location: Baikonur LC1
Landing: March 30, 1981 11:40:58 UTC
Location: 175 km SE of Dzhezkazgan
Duration: 7 days, 20 h, 42 min, 3 s
Number of Orbits: 124


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