Algebra - Theory of equation

1-р курсд байхдаа тэмдэглэж авч байсан  бичилтүүдийг хувын дэвтэрнээсээ оруулж байгаа болно.

Theory of equation 
If  a0, a1, a2………… an  are integers then an expression of the form
    a0 xn+a1xn-1+……….+an . called a polynomial of degree 

n ≥  in the              variable “x”,   if a≠ 0.
Eg: -6x+y=0 , x2+x+1=0 , 6x2+3x+2=0
A polynomial of degree one is of the form ax+b=c a polynomial of degree two is of the form ax2+bx+c=0 and so on. 

Equality of 2 polynomials

Two polynomial f(x) and g(x) are said to equal if they are of same degree and the co-efficient corresponding powers are of  “x”  are equal.
Eg: f(x)=a0 xn+a1 xn-1+….+an
the value of a polynomial if f(x) is equal to ax0+a1 x+…+an is a polynomial of degree n then f(x)=a0α+α1xn-1+….+αn is called the value of the polynomial f(x) at  x= α .
·       if   f(x)=2x-7x+8

 Zeros of polynomial or a roots of a polynomial equation. Let f(x) be a polynomial of degree m . If f(x)=0 for a real number α, then α is called a zero of the polynomial f(x) or root of a polynomial f(x).
Eg: f(x)=x2-5x+6
·       ·       therefore , roots are 2 and 3.                                                                                                              
                      Euclid’s algorithm or  Division Algorithm
If f(x) and g(x) are any 2 polynomial in x. Then there exist two polynomial q(x) and r(x) such that f(x)=q(x)g(x)+r(x) where either r(x)=0
or degree r(x) will be less than degree of g(x).
Eg: f(x)=x5-3x4+x3-3


                                                                                                                     Mysore city- India, 2014  


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